

Blue isn't my color
But every once in a while
You run out of passion
And joy
Even pain

Red fades, yellow washes away
Black, well black remains
But it's so easily stained
buried, choked, silenced
by the blue

I'm not sure when I embraced it
I don't think it was choice
I must have spilled the rest
Watched them run
A lovely river of colors
As my desperate outstretched fingers
Closed their hold
What I didn't know at the time
was a poisonous blue.

It stays. It stains.
Turning blue is always unpleasant.
Painful. Chilly.
Can't breathe.
Those words, careless.
In shimmering blue.

Time to paint.
Pretty purple?
Crimson and gold?
Or drown
in a beautiful sunlit blue.


Life Lessons from Hollywood

I grew up with Hollywood. Practically a junkie. The earliest movie I remember watching is The Lion King. Graduating from animated movies (just cartoons, those days) to hard core Hollywood, I embrace the industry, swallowing up practically everything it has to offer, except in the blood dripping-limbs flying-mutilated people genre.

I was switching channels, comatose in the way that only a jobless not yet certified post graduate can be, and I came up with this list. A tribute to the industry that gave us Jim Stark, Red, Col. Nathan Jessup, Darth Vader, Edward Cullen (everyone makes mistakes,we forgive and move on), Morpheus, Jack Sparrow, Mufasa, John McClane, The Terminator, Free Willy and so very many more. Hollywood cliches that show up in 1 in 5 movies, and we don't mind, because we love them!

10. The villain is never who you think it is. Never.

And the best part is, apparently, even the characters don't see it coming. Hollywood has no qualms about making anyone the bad guy, and runs riot with our expectations, never being apologetic for bringing either our or the character's world crashing down.

Most used line : Some variation of : "It was you! I trusted You!"

Best revelation ever :
Luke Skywalker : You killed my father.
Darth Vader : No Luke. I am your father.

9.Watch who you mouth off to.

Moral of this particular cliche : Never play by the rules. Just don't. For by the time you're done making
the best speech of your life, confident and full of yourself, complete with the words, "I'm taking you down", the guy you've just insulted will look at you calmly, and say "that's not in the rulebook, son."

You (still confident and full of the taking-you-down part) : "And how the hell would you know that?

Guy you've insulted : " I wrote it"

Moving on...

8. Love can be beautiful (sometimes)

Don't have a stroke. I'm not talking about certified sleeping pills like P.S. I Love You, Love Story, A Walk to Remember and the like. They bore me to sleep if not to tears. But every once in a while, a dashing young man walks into a living room and says :
    "Hello, hello?I'm looking for my wife." 

    And when the aforementioned wife says "You had me at hello.", you believe her. Class.

7. They are the original proponents of "Yes We Can!"
Obama would be proud. Whether it's the President of the United Status single handedly rescuing his plane 
from hijackers, a spy making a 5000 feet wide free fall across two buildings, a medical procedure to graft adamantium onto a man's bones, men bringing down evil aliens without getting so much as a singe mark on their shiny black suits or just winning a football game, how many times have we heard the words : 
   "We/I/You/They/ Did It!!"

6. No one's so bad they weren't good once

Hollywood truly teaches you to see beyond what a man is, and to look for what made him that way. No matter how heinous a man, at some point, directly after a scene where all the good guys have been having a serious discussion on how to take someone down, one of the good guy stands up and picks up his coat. And when the others look at him in surprise and one of them asks : "Where are you going?" 
He always replies : "To See an old friend" (who is now the guy we are trying to take down)

5.We all fall before we rise

Possibly one of the most important lessons that Hollywood teaches us. No matter how convinced everyone else is of your greatness, no matter that you are destined to be the one to save mankind and the world in general,unless you believe it yourself, the following conversation will take place :

Master/Teacher/Friend/Supporter : You can't walk out now! Everyone knows you're the chosen one. If you leave, we're done!

Hero who doesn't know it yet : I'm sorry! I really am! But you're wrong about me. And I need to get back to my life now.

The one detractor whose been against you from the start : I told you, we're wasting our time. Let's go.

Of course, a near death experience involving either you or a loved one brings you right back in a blaze of glory, and after you've kicked some serious derriere,your detractor is the first to say (jaw scraping the floor) : "how did he do that?!"

4.Best excuse ever : "I'm just doing my job"

3. Respect your enemies.

Another valuable lesson. If you've granted someone worthy enough to be your opponent, respect that covenant.  Embrace it. Make it your life's mission to take them down, no matter what the cost. And always know that only in a fair fight is the victory worth it. Otherwise, simply save his life, speak the classic line : "No one kills you but me", and walk away.

P.S. : Please note that this action very often results in equally classic replies along the lines of : "This changes nothing.", "I'd rather die than owe you my life", "This isn't over" etc.

2. Know when to move on

Letting go is never easy. Especially trying to let go of a friend, dream, idea, love etc. Which is why you always have a wise person who says "We're done here/It's over/Let it go"
That's your cue to meekly follow.

1. And this one, my personal favorite. You are always in control, regardless of the situation.

And the best example of this is the fact that you always know exactly how much time you'll need to get yourself in danger, regardless of whether you're busting a drug den, or breaking into a locker.

Definitive dialogue : "If I'm not back in ____ minutes, get the hell out of here/blow the place to hell/get help."

And of course, they never need to, because, let's admit it, if you can predict your own lifeline, you won't need back up.

Hasta La Vista, Baby!


For What You Did

Your naivete was touching
So much more so
because it was genuine
You believed in the faith
you saw in my smile
Never once noticing 
that it didn't reach my eyes

You handed me your strings
Content to be manipulated
You swayed to the whim of my fingers
How easily you forgot
that one swipe of a knife
and you would fall
An inanimate cluster of limbs

You foolishly trusted in my goodness
No, not goodness
I was not that simple
What was it then?
My honour? My nobility?
Or far more than all that?

Did you choose to believe in that
which many before you have?
Seeing what I show you
Asking for no more
Believing that I am all I claim to be
Believing that what I claim to be is all I am

I gave you enough
Even, I'll admit, more than anyone else
For you were more than the others
Intriguing, I don't normally notice
Far less feel this way

I may even have started to believe
In the reflection of me I saw in your eyes
Afraid to admit that I liked it better
Than what I had seen in any other

Enough. A fleeting second's weakness
No matter, this ends now
I'm letting the strings go
Goodbye, thanks for playing
A game that in retrospect
Should never have been begun

This isn't fair
You weren't supposed to be special
It wasn't supposed to leave
a simmering feeling of choking betrayal
And this unexpected emotion


I wish I had never

They say,
of all the words of book or pen
there are none sadder than
It could have been

But a word to all the wise out there
I know some that are sadder still 
and they are 
I wish I had never



Perhaps now's the time
Or do I just believe it is?
Time takes no prisoners
And so it comes to this

I certainly saw no signs
Someone else set the stage
But somewhere a prologue was written
And now it's time to turn the page

Shut the book
The story's done
Too bad you didn't see
That you were in one

This I write for myself alone
I do know it'll never be read
A secret kept silenced
And now it's time to be said

I wish you to know
This had no other ending
And yet I write this now
For some fences need mending

I blame you not for cruelty
No taxes for your ignorance
You believed my monologue
I shall demand no penance

I wont deny a trifling hope
A single second's slip
A wish afraid to be spoken
That the balance in my favor would tip

Yet I know that to wish for a chance
While I offered you none
Is nothing short of cowardice
And that is simply not done

Mea culpa I admit it straight
For all the times you tried
This pain is mine and mine alone
For you see, I lied.