
For What You Did

Your naivete was touching
So much more so
because it was genuine
You believed in the faith
you saw in my smile
Never once noticing 
that it didn't reach my eyes

You handed me your strings
Content to be manipulated
You swayed to the whim of my fingers
How easily you forgot
that one swipe of a knife
and you would fall
An inanimate cluster of limbs

You foolishly trusted in my goodness
No, not goodness
I was not that simple
What was it then?
My honour? My nobility?
Or far more than all that?

Did you choose to believe in that
which many before you have?
Seeing what I show you
Asking for no more
Believing that I am all I claim to be
Believing that what I claim to be is all I am

I gave you enough
Even, I'll admit, more than anyone else
For you were more than the others
Intriguing, I don't normally notice
Far less feel this way

I may even have started to believe
In the reflection of me I saw in your eyes
Afraid to admit that I liked it better
Than what I had seen in any other

Enough. A fleeting second's weakness
No matter, this ends now
I'm letting the strings go
Goodbye, thanks for playing
A game that in retrospect
Should never have been begun

This isn't fair
You weren't supposed to be special
It wasn't supposed to leave
a simmering feeling of choking betrayal
And this unexpected emotion

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