
I Will Not Bleed

I will not bleed.
I have perfected the art
So I can cut
again and again
swipe by slow, painful swipe
until I go just deep enough
to not bleed

These scars are my secret
Easily explained
When you don't bleed
No one looks any deeper
Just like the cuts you make
Searing enough to burn
Not deep enough to bleed

This one's for the time
I wish you understood
That one, faded now,
When I realised you wouldn't
There's always a reason
A story that's real
Maybe one day
You'll feel what you deal

But as for now
I will not bleed
I cut in silence
Cherish each new scar

Tiny, agonising victories
Until the day
When I really will bleed
Perhaps then,
You'll win.

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