
Tiny Tale Attempt

I recently came across something called Terribly Tiny Tales, on Facebook. Attempts at writing entire stories in 140 characters, spaces and punctuation included. The idea intrigued me.

Attempt No. 1

"Princess," he smirks. "Gets everything you want." Slams door. She cringes. Years later, a note scrawled on the wall with a fingertip, in blood - "I didn't get YOU."

Attempt No. 2

"So much freedom!" jealous friends sigh. "No curfew, no calls!," they mouth, while concerned parents on the other end of the phone line ask where, when and with whom questions. She smiles, swigs beer. And wishes, at least that night, just once, her phone would flash the words, "Home Calling."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are perfect, especially when one is in a mood to gulp rather than sip. I could gulp many more...so keep em' coming:)