My name, unspeakable
my act, immortal
Besmirched, sullied, spat on
I hang at a noose I wrought myself
silver pieces spilling for want of blood
Thirty pieces of cold shining silver
to send to slaughter with a kiss
the man who saved my soul.
You were wrong, oh blameless one
I was but mortal. Weak. Corruptible.
Judas the traitor.
No catcher of men am I.
I deny it not.
But I beg to ask
Was there not one traitor more?
All I ask, and ask to know
Is there not a greater crime?
and then to say "I know thee not?"
Not once but oh three times over?
To lie. To deny the man you claimed to love
and follow till his very end
You may not have led him to the cross
and perhaps you are one sin less
I betrayed him and took my reward
But oh Peter the rock
the one the savior loved more than any
Tell me, which wound is deeper?
To still a beating heart?
Or to deny it, stab and twist
and leave it bleeding?
To betray?
Or to walk away?